Reasons to belong to The AHSA
  • Ability to register and record horses with The Society
  • Reduced fee on other Registry transactions
  • Australian Arabian Horse News delivered to your postal address twice a year
  • Email receipt of regular Members Newsletters
  • Ability to participate on the official AHSA Members Only facebook page
  • Voting Rights
  • Eligible to nominate to stand for the Board of Directors of The AHSA Ltd.
  • Insurance – insured for the personal liability in respect of your personal equestrian related activities
  • Eligibility to show at the Australian National Arabian Championships and AHSA Ltd Affiliated Arabian Horse Shows
  • Eligible to nominate for the annual AHSA Awards which support a wide variety of disciplines
  • Automatic eligibility to any AHSA Member programs
Membership of The AHSA

The membership of the Society consists of Ordinary Members, Panel Judge Members, Junior Members, Company Members, Overseas Member, Participant Members and Life Members.


An Ordinary Member is any member who is not a Panel Judge Member, Junior Member, Company Member, Overseas Member or Life Member. An Ordinary Member may register, transfer and carry out other transactions with the Society, has insurance coverage, receives the  Arabian Horse News Magazine and may also show their registered horses at the Australian Arabian National Championships and any other event conducted under the rules of the AHSA.  Ordinary Members over 18 years of age have voting rights.  Ordinary Membership has an Annual Fee of $140.

A Panel Judge Member is a Member who is also a Judge listed on The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd Judges Panel and who does not conduct any transactions other than membership with the Society. A Panel Judge Member has voting rights and insurance coverage.  They do not receive the Arabian Horse News Magazine. Panel Judge Membership has an Annual Fee of $55.

A Junior Member is a member who is under 18 years of age, may transfer and lease Arabian and Arabian Derivative Fillies, Mares and any Gelding or API, they can carry out other transactions with the Society, have insurance coverage, receives the Arabian Horse News Magazine, and may also show their registered horses at the Australian Arabian National Championships and any other event conducted under the rules of the AHSA.  Junior Members do not have voting rights. Junior Membership has an Annual Fee of $65.

A Participant Member is an individual member who has no horses registered with the Society, has no voting rights and does not receive the Arabian Horse News Magazine but does have insurance coverage, and may also participate at the Australian Arabian National Championships and any other event conducted by an AHSA Affiliate. Participant Membership has an Annual Fee of $55.

Age Pension, Disability Support Pension and Carers Payment Card Holders are eligible for Ordinary Membership at the Concession Fee of $90.

Company Membership is the same an Ordinary Member but without insurance coverage. Company Membership has an Annual Fee of $140.

Overseas Membership is the same as an Ordinary Member but without insurance coverage. Overseas Membership has an Annual Fee of $140.