Become an Affiliate

The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd. has Affiliate Groups in most States and Regions who organise and conduct horse shows, parades, social events and educational seminars that also promote the Australian Arabian Horse at the local level. Affiliate groups vary in size and numbers, and at present The Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd. has almost 25 Affiliates.  We are very proud of this strong affiliate base throughout Australia.

Are you part of a like-minded Arabian Horse or Arabian Derived Horse Group who are interested in becoming an AHSA Affiliated Group ?

Here you will find the latest  Affiliation Agreement to peruse.  Many of the main features of affiliation are contained in this Agreement, however, you will need to meet certain requirements before affiliation can be granted.  These are:

  • The Affiliate should have at least 10 unrelated Members
  • The Affiliate must be an Incorporated Association – see the relevant authority in your state (ie. Consumer & Business Services South Australia, Consumer Affiars Victoria, Fair Trading New South Wales or Queensland, Department of Commerce Western Australia, Department of Business Northern Territory, Consumer Affairs & Fair Trading Tasmania).

The AHSA Ltd. together with Gow Gates Insurance Brokers, has arranged an Insurance Program to benefit all Affiliate Groups and their Members.  This Public & Products Liability Insurance covers your Members, Registered Participants, Voluntary Workers, Committee Members, Judges, Officials and Administrators for their legal liability to compensate third parties for personal injury or property damage whilst attending and/or participating in approved activities or events.

Approved Activities include: Halter, Ridden Classes, Carriage / Harness, Lead Line, Costume, Dressage, Working bees, Sporting Events in accordance with Sporting Horse Australia Rule Book, Education / Clinics, Australian Classes, Western Pleasure, Barrel Racing, Natural Horsemanship (Ridden), Fundraising, Administrative Duties, Committee Meetings, AGM’s & Social Activities, Liberty and Youth Programs

To apply to become an affiliate, The AHSA requires the following:

  1. a letter or proposal outlining the group, it’s aims and activities
  2. a completed and signed Affiliation Agreement
  3. a list of Members and their details
  4. the Affiliation Fee (which is calculated at $6.00 per head of members)
  5. Event Fees calculated at $25.00 per horse event
  6. a copy of your current Certificate of Incorporation
  7. a copy of your Clubs Constitution

Once lodged, your application will be tabled at the next Meeting of The AHSA Board of Directors for approval.  Upon approval you will be invoiced for your Groups Public Liability Insurance Premium Portion, along with any other outstanding fees relevant.

Your Group Public Liability Insurance Premium Portion will be advised upon application as they are determined by the Number of People in your Club and the Type and Number of Horse Events your group intends to hold during the year.  If you would like a quote for your Public Liability Premium Portion, please call the office with these details on hand.

If you have any queries relating to this or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact our office as we would be only too glad to help.