Registration Amnesty Extended (from 1st August 2024)

At a recent Meeting of The Board of Directors, it was agreed that the current Registration Amnesty would be extended until 31st July 2025 for horses five years and over. REGISTRATION AMNESTY Registrations for Purebred Arabian Fillies/Mares and Stallions and any Derivative Stallions five years and over, received between 1st August 2024 and 31st July…

Breeding Season

Breeding Season is fast approaching and the prospect of using your stallion or breeding a new foal is an exciting and rewarding experience.  The AHSA Ltd has many Regulations which MUST be adhered to, therefore, to ensure your stallion or mares impending offspring are eligible for registration, we have put this short checklist together to make…

Arabian Performance Index

The Arabian Performance Index is an initiative of the Society which acknowledges the Arabian ancestry of horses which contain less than 12.45% recorded Arabian breeding and which are not eligible for registration in any of the Arabian Derivative registries. Arabian Performance Index recorded horses and ponies are eligible to compete in any class not specified…

Half Arabian Registration

Horses eligible for registration in the Half Arabian registry must have one Purebred Arabian parent. Horses with one Purebred parent may be registered in the Half Arabian or one of the other Arabian Derivative registries depending on the breeding of the other parent. Half Arabians competing in Half Arabian classes will be judged on Arabian…

SCID Testing Now Available in Australia

Owners of Arabians and those horses/ponies derived from Arabian blood can now get all their genetic testing for SCID, CA & LFS done in Australia. The University of Qld. now offers SCID, CA & LFS testing which can be done in conjunction with DNA typing or separately. Practical Horse Genetics now offers SCID, LFS & CA…