After a very successful introduction in 2016, the Ultra National Championship Challenges are back as a permanent feature of the event! Expanded to include all breeds of Arabian Derivatives as well as API recorded horses, the Ultra Arabian, Ultra Arabian Derivative & Ultra Arabian Performance Index Challenges will reward those entries that best exemplify their respective breed ideals both as a breeding/in-hand horse and as a ridden performer.
No entry fee is required to participate in this ultimate National Championship competition. Simply enter both the open led qualifier and open ridden qualifier within the breed division in which your horse is registered. The scores earned by the horse in each qualifier will be added together to determine a combined (Ultra Arabian, Derivative or API) Challenge total. These scores will be ranked from highest to lowest, with the three highest score earners receiving the Gold, Silver & Bronze National Champion honours, respectively, on the final night of the Championships.
Former National or Gold National Champion Halter or Ridden horses may compete in the Ultra National Championship Challenges without having to compete again in the same division in which they were awarded a National Championship in the past. Simply designate ‘Ultra Challenge Qualifier ONLY’ on your entry form next to either the Halter or Ridden qualifying section, to indicate that you wish the scores earned to be counted towards the Ultra Challenge, but not towards a current National Championship ranking with the other competitors entered in the Championship.