Also back as a permanent feature is the Versatility Challenge, expanded from its introduction in 2016 to include three divisons: purebred Arabians, Arabian Derivatives and Arabian Performance Index recorded horses in their own separate sections. The Versatility National Championship Challenge goes beyond what is expected of the Ultra Arabian & Arabian Derivative Challenge, by requiring competitors to compete successfully in at least three other performance championships.
No entry fee is required to participate in this Versatility National Championship Challenge. Just be sure you enter at least one led qualifier – open (within the breed division in which your horse is registered), Non-Pro or Led Hack – and at least one ridden qualifier – open (within the breed division in which your horse is registered), Non-Pro or Ridden Hack. In addition to at least one led & one ridden championship, each Versatility National Championship Challenge exhibit MUST ENTER & COMPETE IN AT LEAST THREE OTHER PERFORMANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS. This includes any performance championships in the open, Non-Pro & multi-breed divisions. All 500-level championships such as Silver Snaffle, the Musical Variety Ridden Freestyle & the other novelty classes, are excluded from this competition.
The ranking of the exhibit in the class, whether achieved utilizing a scorecard or determined comparatively, will be used to determine the points achieved towards Total Versatility Score. The more disciplines in which an exhibit competes and places, the greater the potential to achieve a higher Total Versatility Score. Should an entry compete in more than one led class, only the highest placed finish will count towards the Total Versatility Score.