Do you want to become a Judge?


This link will provide all the information to become a Judge Candidate.


Judges Upgrade Request Forms


To be completed and lodged by AHSA Panel Judges wishing to upgrade to a higher level.
These Upgrade Forms may be submitted at any time.


Judges Return & Re-Accreditiation.

Judges Agreement

Each judge is responsible for updating their Judge Profile on the website with details of shows judged and
seminars attended; this information replaces the ”old” paper Returns.

Seminars and workshops will be organised periodically by the JOC and attendance is required in order to remain accredited.


Updating your Judges’ Profile

All judges have been emailed a username and temporary password, please search for an email from to locate this. You can change the password to something you can remember. Once logged in, there are instructions about updating the information. Should you be unable to navigate the system please email: for assistance.


All AHSA Judges must hold a current Working With Children Card.   Links to apply in your home state.