The AHSA keeps the Studbook of Arabian and Arabian Derivative Horses, along with an Index of Performance Horses. The definitions of each of these has been reproduced below from the Regulations of The AHSA.
- An Arabian Horse is one of pure Arabian lineage acceptable to the Board in accordance with the standard and/or the standard of a recognized Society and the progeny of pure bred sires and dams acceptable for registration by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd.
- An Anglo Arabian Horse is one derived exclusively from horses of Arabian and Thoroughbred breeding, irrespective of the proportions thereof, PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stud book of a recognized Society.
- Thoroughbred horses so used must be registered in the Australian Stud Book or in some other stud book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being acceptable for Thoroughbred horses or must trace directly through both parents to horses which are so registered.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Thoroughbred blood in any proportion, when inter-bred or when back crossed to either parental breed to produce Anglo Arabian horses shall themselves be registered in the Anglo Arabian section of the Register or the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Anglo Arabian horses. Anglo Arabian horses to be registered as from 1st August 2012 which contain less than twelve and a half percentum (12 ½%) Arabian blood calculated from one or both parents according to Stud Book or Registry records of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or some other recognized Society’s stud book &/or register, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, will only be eligible for registration with the Society if both sire and dam are registered AHSA Ltd.
- An Arabian Pony is one derived exclusively from horses of Arabian and Pony blood irrespective of the proportions thereof PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stub book of a recognized Society.
- Ponies so used must be registered in the Australian Pony Stud Book or in some other stud book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for pure bred ponies. Ponies approved by the Australian Pony Stud Book or Welsh Pony and Cob Society of Australia for the purpose of breeding pure bred ponies shall be accepted as pure bred ponies by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Pony blood in any proportion, when inter-bred or when back crossed to either parental breed to produce Arabian Ponies shall themselves be registered in the Arabian Pony section of the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Arabian Pony horses. Arabian Ponies to be registered as from 1st August 2012 which contain less than twelve and a half percentum (12 ½%) Arabian blood calculated from one or both parents according to Stud Book or Registry records of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or some other recognized Society’s stud book &/or register, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, will only be eligible for registration with the Society if both sire and dam are registered AHSA Ltd.
- An Arabian Warmblood Horse is one derived exclusively from horses of either Arabian and Warmblood breeding or Arabian, Thoroughbred and Warmblood breeding irrespective of the proportions thereof PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horses so used mus be registered in the Stud Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stud book of a recognized Society.
- Thoroughbred horses so used must be registered in the Australian Stud Book or in some other stud book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being acceptable for Thoroughbred horses or must trace directly through both parents to horses which are so registered.
- Warmblood horses so used must be registered as a Warmblood in the Warmblood section with a Warmblood Society recognized by the Ar abian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for Warmblood horses.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Warmblood breeding or Arabian, Thoroughbred and Warmblood breeding in any proportion, when inter-bred or when back crossed to either parental breed to produce Arabian Warmblood horses shall themselves be registered in the Arabian Warmblood section of the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Arabian Warmblood horses. Arabian Warmblood horses to be registered as from 1st August 2012 which contain less than twelve and a half percentum (12 ½%) Arabian blood calculated from one or both parents according to Stud Book or Registry records of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or some other recognized Society’s stud book &/or register, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, will only be eligible for registration with the Society if both sire and dam are registered AHSA Ltd.
- An Arabian Riding Pony is one derived exclusively from horses of either Arabian and Section A Riding Pony breeding or Arabian, Section A Riding Pony, Stud Pony and/or Thoroughbred and/or Riding Pony breeding irrespective of the proportions thereof PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book or the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stud book of a recognized Society.
- Riding Ponies so used must be registered in Section A in the Riding Pony Stud Book Society of Australia or in a Riding Pony register recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for Riding Ponies. Horses/ponies approved by the Riding Pony Stud Book Society of Australia for the purpose of breeding Section A Riding Ponies shall be accepted as Riding Ponies by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd.
- Stud Ponies so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Australian Pony Stud Book Society or of the Welsh Pony and Cob Society of Australia or in some other stud book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for pure bred Ponies. Ponies approved by the Australian Pony Stud Book or Welsh Pony and Cob Society of Australia for the purpose of breeding pure bred ponies shall be accepted as pure bred ponies by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd.
- Thoroughbred horses so used must be registered in the Australian Stud Book or in some other stub dook recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being acceptable for Thoroughbred horses or must trace directly through both parents to horses which are so registered.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Section A Riding Pony breeding or Arabian Section A Riding Pony and Stud Pony and/or Thoroughbred and/or Riding Pony breeding in any proportion, when inter-bred or when back crossed to either parental breed to produce Arabian Riding Ponies shall themselves be registered in the Arabian Riding Pony section of the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Arabian Riding Pony horses. Arabian Riding Ponies to be registered as from 1st August 2012 which contain less than twelve and a half percentum (12 ½%) Arabian blood calculated from one or both parents according to Stud Book or Registry records of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or some other recognized Society’s stud book &/or register, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, will only be eligible for registration with the Society if both sire and dam are registered AHSA Ltd.
- A Part Bred Arabian Horse is the progeny of:
- a registered Arabian sire; or
- a registered Arabian dam; or
- any parent or two parents registered in the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or the Register or Stud Book of a recognized Society which results in such progeny having not less than 12 ½% Arabian blood; or
- registered Part Bred Arabian parents.
- A Quarab Horse is one derived exclusively from horses of Arabian and Quarter Horse breeding or Arabian and Paint breeding or Arabian, Quarter Horse and Paint breeding, where the proportion of Arabian blood shall be not less than 12 ½%, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stud book of a recognized Society.
- Quarter Horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Australian Quarter Horse Association or in a Quarter Horse Stud Book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for Quarter Horses or must trace directly through both parents to horses which are so registered. Horses approved by the Australian Quarter Horse Association for the purpose of breeding Stud Book Quarter Horses shall be accepted as Studbook Quarter Horses by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd.
- Paint Horses so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Paint Horse Association of Australia or in a Paint Horse Association recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being for Paint Horses.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Quarter Horse or Arabian and Paint blood or Arabian, Quarter Horse and Paint blood when inter-bred or when back crossed to one of the parental breeds to produce Quarab horses shall themselves be registered in the Quarab section of the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Quarab horses.
- The mature height shall be a minimum of 14hh.
- An Arabian Stock Horse is one derived exclusively from horses of either Arabian and Australian Stock Horse breeding or Arabian,Australian Stock Horse and Thoroughbred breeding, where the proportion of Arabian blood shall be not less than 12 ½%, where the percentage of Arabian blood is rounded up to one decimal place when over 12.45%, PROVIDED THAT:
- Arabian horse so used must be registered in the Stud Book of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or in the stud book of a recognized Society.
- Australian Stock Horses so used must be registered as Stud Book or Second Cross or have Stud Book status with the Australian Stock Horse Society.
- Thoroughbred horses so used must be registered in the Australian Stud Book or in some other stub book recognized by the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd as being acceptable for Thoroughbred horses or must trace directly through both parents to horses which are so registered.
- Horses representing a blend of Arabian and Stock Horse breeding or Arabian, Stock Horse and Thoroughbred when inter-bred or when back crossed to either parental breed to produce Arabian Stock Horses shall themselves be registered in the Arabian Stock Horse section of the Register of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia Ltd or be registered in some other recognized Society’s stud book and/or register for Arabian Stock Horses.
- A Half Arabian Horse is the progeny of:
- a registered Arabian sire; or
- a registered Arabian dam
- An Arabian Derivative is the collective term for horses registered in the Anglo Arabian, Arabian Pony, Arabian Riding Pony, Quarab, Arabian Stock Horse, Arabian Warmblood, Partbred Arabian and Half Arabian registries.
- A horse recorded in the Arabian Performance Index is one derived from horses of Arabian breeding and is not eligible for registration as an Arabian Derivative Breed and where the percentage of Arabian blood is less than 12.45%.