The date of your show will be dependant on the weather in your area at the time you are wanting to run your show. After choosing the time of the year, you will of course need to be certain that a suitable venue and approved judges are all available at that time.
Your venue is dependant on your budget, the size of your show and whether it has a safe suitable arena(s), parking area and stabling and camping facilities (if required).
Your Show should have a Show Committee along with a team of capable volunteers to whom the committee can delegate various tasks to.
Appropriate Insurance is a MUST. Public Liability Insurance should be in place to protect not only your Club and its’ Committee, but most importantly, your competitors, participants and spectators.
All AHSA Affiliates have appropriate Public Liability Insurance. If your Club does not have appropriate Insurance, then contact an Insurance Company to arrange some. There are Insurance Companies and Brokers who specialise in horse events. A good place to start would be with our Insurance Brokers
Your committee will also need to decide if all participants will need to be members of your club. If they do not, then your committee MUST be aware of who is and is not covered by your insurance and be sure to only allow participants who are members or have adequate cover participate. You should insist that those that do not have adequate cover apply for Participant Membership or Day Membership (where applicable). See our Membership Page and Affiliate Insurance Page for more information.
Your Show Committee should consider management of any potentially infectious diseases that may be detected at your show. The procedures that your Committee are to follow should this occur, should be included in your Show Risk Management Policy. It is the responsibility of your Show Committee to maintain a record of Property Identification Codes (PIC’s) for all competitors for tracing purposes should there be a need during or after the event.
The laws in relation to moving horses and crossing tick lines etc. can be found on your relevant state government department website along with tips and advice for event organisers:
AHSA Affiliated Shows and some Non-Affiliated Shows may have a Show Grading. Your show grading will be determined by the standard of The Schedule of Classes you provide to your competitors. An extensive guide to what is required to have your Show Graded can be seen in the Show Organiser Rule Book on the AHSA Policies and By-Laws page
Any A or B graded shows, as at 1/1/2016, will maintain that grading for the next two (2) years on the condition that requirements for that grading are met. Failure to comply will result in downgrading to B grade.
AA & State Title shows will be appointed by the Board. AA and State Title shows that do not comply with all requirements will be downgraded.
New Shows/Events will be allocated B grading and this may be reviewed by the Board from time to time.
Applications for a Specialist Guest Judge (any judge not on the AHSA Ltd Judges Panel, EA, SHC, HSAA or the Judges Panel of an overseas country which is a member of WAHO or the ECAHO panel) approval must be sent to at least 90 days prior to the show together with the completed and signed Judge Approval Application and the fee of $50.00.
A complete List of Graded Shows is currently under review.